Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I have to start somewhere.....sometime.

Today I was scrolling twitter when I came across this quote:

"A year from now, you may wish you had started today.” - Karen Lamb

I kept scrolling along and then I went back....the reason is because I realized that this quote has an immediate application to me. I have been trying to start this blog. I have been trying to start this blog for quite awhile now.

I have amazed myself at all of the excuses I have used to keep myself from writing.
I have told myself that I am a poor writer (this blog may prove my point).
I have told myself I have nothing to say.
I have questioned if there is anything new or fresh that I could possible add to all the amazing content that is "out there."
I have reminded myself of how poorly I apply proper rules of grammar.
I told myself no one will read my stuff.
I told myself that writing so slow.
I told myself that I am not smart enough, creative enough, or insightful enough.

In full view of my fears, reservations and concerns, I am convinced that "a year from now I will wish I would have started today." Thanks Karen Lamb!

So here it is. My first official post. From this point on I will write about faith, life and leadership.....and whatever else I decide to write on. It is my hope that I will grow as a writer, thinker, person and Christian. It is my hope that someone may read my reflections and be helped, challenged and encouraged.

so today it begins.....


  1. Nice start Jon. Don't believe the lie that you are a poor writer. Even these opening words reflect your style and winsome yet strong spirit. So write away, we eagerly await your musings!

  2. You go Jon!!! Looking forward to your thoughts and insights.
